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Artikel: Difficulties with the market launch of the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max due to assembly issues

Difficulties with the market launch of the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max due to assembly issues

Difficulties with the market launch of the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max due to assembly issues

iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max Could Face Difficulties at Launch


  • The super-thin display borders of the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max are reportedly causing assembly issues.
  • This could result in supply shortages at the time of launch.

The new iPhone models are facing a challenge: The extremely thin display borders of the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max seem to be causing problems during assembly. This could potentially lead to difficulties during the devices' launch. In particular, the production of the screens is proving to be difficult, which could result in supply shortages.

The thin screen borders are a distinctive feature of the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max and play a crucial role in their design. Apple has placed great emphasis on minimizing the screen border to offer a nearly borderless display. However, this ambitious design poses a challenge when it comes to device assembly.

One of the main reasons for the assembly issues could be that the thin borders provide less space to secure necessary components such as sensors and cameras. This makes the entire assembly process more complicated and time-consuming. Speculation suggests that this could lead to production delays and subsequently limited availability of the new iPhone models.

Apple has not yet commented on these reports, and it remains to be seen whether the company will be able to resolve the assembly issues before the launch. The impact on the devices' sales may be limited, as Apple generally experiences high demand and long wait times for new iPhone models. Nevertheless, many Apple fans will be eagerly waiting to see if the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max will be available on time as expected.

In Short

The super-thin display borders of the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max are causing assembly problems and could result in supply shortages at the time of launch. It remains to be seen if Apple can resolve the issues in time.

For more information, visit: https://www.cultofmac.com/824589/iphone-15-pro-max-display-problems-short-supply/